Karabuk University | Konsultan dan Pendaftaran Kuliah Turki no.1 | Best Choice


Sekilas Tentang Karabuk University

Karabük Üniversity (KBU) adalah Universitas yang terletak di kota Karabük. Universitas Karabük yang didirikan pada tahun 2007 ini memiliki perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Menurut lembaga Times Higher Education (THE),  Karabük Üniversity masuk dalam daftar universitas terbaik dunia, yaitu dalam ranking 801-1000. Saat ini Karabük Üniversity bahkan sudah termasuk dalam 10 universitas terbesar di Turki.

Karabük University sekarang memiliki 14 fakultas, 3 sekolah tinggi, 3 sekolah perguruan, dan 4 institut.

Ranking Dunia: 1201–1500
(Times Higher Education 2024)

Ranking Turki: 33
(Times Higher Education 2024)

Pilihan Jurusan dan Biaya Pendidikan

FacultyDepartmentsTuition Fee/Years
Başak Cengiz Faculty of ArchitectureArchitecture₺ 30,000.00
Faculty of DentistryFaculty of Dentistry₺ 90,000.00
Faculty of Literature
Archaeology₺ 12,000.00
Geography₺ 12,000.00
Geography (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
Philosophy₺ 12,000.00
English Language and Literature₺ 18,000.00
English Language and Literature (İÖ)₺ 19,000.00
History of Art₺ 12,000.00
History of Art (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
Sociology₺ 12,000.00
Sociology (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
History₺ 12,000.00
History (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
Turkish Language and Literature₺ 12,000.00
Turkish language and literature (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
Faculty of Science
Chemistry₺ 15,000.00
Math₺ 15,000.00
Hasan Doğan School of Physical Education and Sports
Sports Management₺ 15,000.00
Sports Management (İÖ)₺ 16,000.00
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Economy₺ 15,000.00
Political Science and Public Administration₺ 15,000.00
Political Science and Public Administration (EE)₺ 16,000.00
Social service₺ 15,000.00
International Relations₺ 15,000.00
International relations (İÖ)₺ 16,000.00
International relations (%100 İngilizce)₺ 22,500.00
Faculty of Islamic Sciences
Theology₺ 12,000.00
Theology (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
Faculty of Management
Actuarial Sciences₺ 18,462.00
Public Relations and Promotion₺ 18,462.00
Public Relations and Promotion (İÖ)₺ 19,462.00
Business₺ 18,462.00
Engineering Faculty
Computer engineering (% 30 ENGLISH)₺ 35,000.00
Computer engineering (% 30 ENGLISH) (İÖ)₺ 36,000.00
Computer engineering (%100 ENGLISH)₺ 52,500.00
Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği (% 30 ENGLISH)₺ 30,000.00
Electrical electronics Engineering (% 30 ENGLISH) (İÖ)₺ 31,000.00
Electrical electronics Engineering (%100 ENGLISH)₺ 45,000.00
Industrial Engineering₺ 20,000.00
Industrial Engineering (İÖ)₺ 21,000.00
Civil Engineering₺ 20,000.00
Mechanical Engineering (% 30 ENGLISH)₺ 25,000.00
Mechanical Engineering (%100 ENGLISH)₺ 37,500.00
Mechatronic Engineering₺ 20,000.00
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering (%100 ENGLISH)₺ 16,286.00
automotive engineering (% 30 ENGLISH)₺ 20,000.00
Rail Systems Engineering₺ 20,000.00
Rail Systems Engineering (%100 ENGLISH)₺ 20,000.00
Medical Engineering (% 30 ENGLISH)₺ 25,000.00
Software engineering₺ 35,000.00
Faculty of ForestryForest engineering₺ 16,286.00
S. Fethi Toker Faculty of Fine Arts and DesignIndustrial products design₺ 20,502.00
Safranbolu Faculty of Tourism
Gastronomy and culinary arts₺ 20,000.00
Tourism management₺ 20,000.00
Tourism Guidance₺ 20,000.00
Faculty of Health Sciences
Child Development₺ 25,000.00
Midwifery₺ 25,000.00
Physical therapy and rehabilitation₺ 25,000.00
Nursing₺ 25,000.00
Faculty of TechnologyMechatronic Engineering₺ 16,286.00
Faculty of MedicineMEDICINE₺ 125,000.00
Turker Inanoglu Faculty of Communication
Radio, Television and Cinema₺ 12,500.00
Journalism₺ 12,500.00
Vocational School of Justice
Justice₺ 10,000.00
Justice (İÖ)₺ 10,000.00
Eflani Vocational School
Cooking₺ 10,000.00
Food Quality Control and Analysis₺ 10,000.00
Occupational health and Safety₺ 10,000.00
Eskipazar Vocational School
Information Security Technology₺ 10,000.00
Occupational health and Safety₺ 10,000.00
Occupational health and Safety (İÖ)₺ 10,000.00
Occupational health and Safety (Distance Education)₺ 10,000.00
Private Security and Protection₺ 10,000.00
Private Security and Protection (İÖ)₺ 10,000.00
Rail Systems Electrical and Electronics Technology₺ 10,000.00
Rail Systems Electrical and Electronics Technology (İÖ)₺ 10,000.00
Rail Systems Machining₺ 10,000.00
Rail Systems Machining (İÖ)₺ 11,000.00
Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School
Computer Technology₺ 10,000.00
Child Development₺ 10,000.00
Child Development (İÖ)₺ 11,000.00
Child Development (Distance Education)₺ 10,000.00
Traditional Crafts₺ 10,000.00
Interior Design₺ 10,000.00
Interior Design (İÖ)₺ 11,000.00
Business Administration₺ 10,000.00
Architectural restoration₺ 10,000.00
Architectural restoration (İÖ)₺ 11,000.00
accounting and tax practices₺ 10,000.00
Radio and Television Programming₺ 10,000.00
Radio and Television Programming (İÖ)₺ 11,000.00
Tourist Guidance₺ 10,000.00
Tourism and Hotel Management₺ 10,000.00
Tourism and hotel Management (İÖ)₺ 11,000.00
Applied English and Translation (English)₺ 18,500.00
Applied English and Translation (English) (İÖ)₺ 19,500.00
Vocational School of Health Services
Mouth and dental health₺ 12,000.00
Mouth and Dental Health (İÖ)₺ 12,000.00
Operating Room Services₺ 12,000.00
Physiotherapy₺ 12,000.00
Physiotherapy (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
First and Emergency Aid₺ 12,000.00
First and Emergency Aid (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
Optician₺ 12,000.00
Orthopedic Prosthesis and Orthotics₺ 12,000.00
Autopsy Assistant₺ 12,000.00
Health Institutions Management₺ 12,000.00
Health Institutions Management (E.L.)₺ 13,000.00
Health Institutions Management (Distance Education)₺ 12,000.00
Medical Documentation and Secretarial₺ 12,000.00
Medical Documentation and Secretarial (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
Medical Laboratory Techniques₺ 12,000.00
Medical Laboratory Techniques (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
Medical Promotion and Marketing₺ 12,000.00
Medical Promotion and Marketing (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
Elderly Care₺ 12,000.00
Elderly Care (İÖ)₺ 13,000.00
T.O.B.B. Vocational School of Technical Sciences
Computer Programming₺ 10,000.00
Electric₺ 10,000.00
Electronic Technology₺ 10,000.00
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology₺ 10,000.00
Occupational Health and Safety₺ 10,000.00
Occupational Health and Safety (İÖ)₺ 10,000.00
Welding Technology₺ 10,000.00
Machine₺ 10,000.00
Bus Captain₺ 10,000.00
Automotive Technology₺ 10,000.00
Civil Defense and Firefighting₺ 10,000.00
Civil Defense and Firefighting (İÖ)₺ 10,000.00
Transportation and Traffic Services₺ 10,000.00


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